Magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates: from biophysics to brain and behaviour

For centuries, humans have been fascinated by migratory animals being able to find their way over thousands of kilometres with a precision unobtainable for unaided human navigators.

The central goal of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)/Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1372 is to gain a comprehensive and multidisciplinary understanding of magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates, from the biophysical mechanisms to the natural behaviour of navigating animals, taking into account all intermediate steps.

Scientists at six universities and institutes are working together in 17 sub-projects to reach this goal using the latest biochemical, neuroscientific, electrophysiological, physical, genetic and behavioural biology methods.

‘Ants are the coolest animals ever’ with Dr Pauline Fleischmann

September 19, 2024  In the latest episode of "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" (in German), Pauline talks about her favourite research animals: why they are more similar to humans than you might think, how we can use ants to better understand the general principles of neurobiology - and, of course, what she herself has discovered about their magnetic compass (graphic by Hirngehört). 

Interview with Dr Pauline Fleischmann

August 26, 2024 Our research fellow Pauline was interviewed by Myrmecological News Blog. Read the article about "Navigating through the postdoc career while exploring navigation systems in Cataglyphis desert ants" here (picture by Robin Grob). 

SFB 1372 at Instagram

August 14, 2024 Follow us on our new launched instagram channel! We look forward to keeping you informed about ongoing projects, workshops, publications and other news about our SFB.

New article of our Nav02 researchers

April 17, 2024  With their review on "A conceptual framework on the role of magnetic cues in songbird migration ecology" (Karwinkel et al., Biological Reviews), Thiemo and his co-authors summarise the methodological approaches for assessing magnetic-cue-related hypotheses in migratory songbirds and evaluate their contribution to understanding these processes in the wild. They also present a conceptual framework investigating how magnetic cues might affect migratory decisions from stopovers to active migratory flight towards their destination. 

Collaborative study on "Adaptive evolution and loss of a putative magnetoreceptor in passerines" published.

April 11, 2024 The news portal of the UOL reports on a genetic study that supports the hypothesis that proteins in the eye of migratory birds are responsible for magnetoreception. Six researchers of our SFB are co-authors of this study (Langebrake et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B). Please find the press release here

Spring meeting with poster prize

March 18-20, 2024 Fifty-eight SFB members and associates met, as last year, at the Thülsfelder Talsperre near Garrel for our spring meeting. We enjoyed the research talks and had plenty of time for discussion and interaction during two poster sessions, four small group meetings and a long walk & talk around the lake. For the first time, there was a poster award for the three best posters of the doctoral students and postdocs. Congratulations to Annika, Sascha and Nathalie! We look forward to meeting all of you soon in September at the UOL!

Writing retreat for female scientists on Langeoog

March 2024 For four days, female junior researchers from our SFB were able to concentrate on writing papers at a self-organised writing retreat on the East Frisian island of Langeoog. The weather was glorious and we were able to go for a walk on the beach to clear our heads for new creativity. 

Craving for ornithology - especially when songbirds migrate: Heiko Schmaljohann in the Oldenburger science podcast

December 2023 You can listen to Heiko from December 22 on in the most recent episode 34 of  "Hirn gehört: Oldenburger Wissensschnack" (in German). 

You will also find an interview with Karl-Wilhelm Koch about his research on phototransduction and why calcium is his favourite element of the PSE (episode 23).

Migratory mosquito bats can perceive the Earth's magnetic field

December 6, 2023 - Oliver Lindecke and his colleagues from Bangor University and University of Latvia found that the these bats seem to be sensitive to the inclination angle of the field, similar to birds (published in "Biological Letters" of the Royal Society).

Please check out the UOL press release (only in German) and the original article!

The SFB subsidised bike trailers for Pauline's "For Woman in Science" award

November 2023 The SFB 1372 has increased Pauline's prize money to purchase a total of four trailers. Interested parties from Faculty V of the UOL can contact mobile.gleichstellung.fk5[at] Allocation is on a first-come, first-served basis, with female students and doctoral candidates having priority due to their financial means. More information here

PhD day in Wilhelmshaven 

July 5, 2023 The PhD Day in Wilhelmshaven was marked by stormy winds and cheerful minds. Highlights for the doctoral students of the SFB 1372 were the team-building activities, the input on mental health and the guided tour of the Wadden Sea Visitor Centre. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions, we had to forego the trip to the colony of common terns at Banter See.

Kick-off meeting of the second funding period

March 20 & 21, 2023  Our two-day kick-off meeting took place at the Thülsfelder Talsperre near Garrel. We particularly enjoyed the discussions about the newly founded iRTG and a workshop on "Feedback Culture" led by Birgit Keydel (coach for team development). During a "Walk & Talk" along the lake, old and new members were able to get to know each other and exchange.

Renewal for a second funding period

25 November 2022 - We are pleased to announce the renewal of our SFB 1372 for a second funding period. Thanks to the brilliant team - we are excited about the next four years!

See also the press release of the UOL.

SFB 1372 goes Nature

June 23, 2021 - With a great interdisciplinary team effort Xu et al. were able to add another piece to the puzzle of how quantum mechanics help birds find their way. Xu and colleagues were able to show the magnetic sensitivity of Cryptochrome 4 in migratory songbirds.

Congratulations to all the scientists involved! Read the full paper here.

Appointment of Miriam Liedvogel 

September 2020 - Miriam Liedvogel was appointed professor of Ornithology at the Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Oldenburg. She is also the new director of the Institute for Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" in Wilhelmshaven. Congratulations Miriam!

New PI - Ilia Solov'yov

Since July 2020, Ilia Solov'yov strengthens our SFB as PI with his project Sig05 - Structural and dynamical traits of avian cryptochromes. Welcome Ilia!

Writing retreat for female scientists

The central currency for a successful scientific career are publications and third-party funding applications. In November 2019, the Royal Society of Chemistry in Nature published that there are still structural hurdles for women scientists to publicise. Therefore, the SFB 1372 invites all female scientists to a Writing Retreat from 2nd to 6th of March 2020 in the Seminarhaus Pegasus. The Scientific Writing Retreat offers female scientists a framework in which they can devote themselves to writing publications and third-party funding applications undisturbed and intensively.

Opening Lecture Zugvogeltage 

Vortrag: Wie finden Zugvögel ihren Weg?

Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Donnerstag, 12.09.2019, 19:00 Uhr

Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch

Damm 38-44, 26135 Oldenburg

SFB 1372 Kick-off Meeting 

April 15 & 16, 2019 Our two day kick-off meeting took place in Aerzen. We especially enjoyed the teambulding measures and the possibility to get to know all new SFB members. Welcome on board!

Beer Coaching - Road to a FH professorship

with guest speaker Prof. Dr. Liane Haak (Business informatics, HS Osnabrück)

Are you looking for a casual opportunity to meet other PostDocs and explore career options? 

Join the Beer Coaching on Feb 26, 2019!

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