Upcoming: 2nd Young Researchers Symposium on Magnetoreception and Navigation (19-21 Nov 2025)

Coming up soon....

The Young Researchers Symposium (YRS) is an international conference for early career researchers (master students, PhDs, PostDocs in their first years) in the field of animal navigation and magnetoreception. Its aim is to provide a space to network and discuss these fascinating topics in a welcoming atmosphere.

The conference is organized by other passionate doctoral researchers, who will invite engaging key note speakers, and plan scientific talks and poster sessions.

While the first YRS was a great success online, we are more than happy to host this meeting in person and welcome you to our cool location to make the connections even stronger.

Early registration will be opened beginning of 2025 – stay tuned for more information on abstract submissions, key note speakers and more!

If you would like to be contacted with news, please send a mail to irtg_sfb1372[at]uol.de or young-researchers-symposium[at]uol.de or keep visiting this website

Past event in 2021: 1st Young Researchers Symposium on Magnetoreception and Navigation

Thanks for joining us!

  SFB 1372 hosted its first Young Researchers Symposium on 25-26 November 2021, online. The symposium was organised entirely by PhD students and postdocs, and is aimed at fellow young researchers from a broad range of scientific fields.

The two-day symposium featured talks by fellow junior researchers, in addition to two keynote lectures given by Prof. Marie Dacke (Lund University) and Prof. Nikita Chernetsov (St Petersburg University). In addition, there was an impulse workshop given by Stephanie Trapp: "My Body and Me - Power and Strength of Body Language / Confident Appearance on the Public Stage". We also hosted an informal social session where participants can explore future career choices by chatting with PhDs who have made the transition to industry. During the coffee breaks and the online social hangout at the end of the symposium, participants could get to know each other.

Read the symposium booklet here or by clicking on the cover at the top of the page!

Find out more about our keynote speakers below:  

Prof. Marie Dacke
Lund University
Prof. Nikita Chernetsov
St Petersburg University
Find out more about our presentation and body language coach below:
Stephanie Trapp

Check out our booklet:

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