iRTG Seminar Series

Time: Thursdays, 14 to 15:30

Location: W3-1-152 and online


  • March 13 - Fyodor Tseallarius & Julia Forst

    Progress reports by Nav06 (Fyodor) & Neu01 (Julia)

    Chair: Max

  • March 20 - Oda Riedesel & Bahareh Dabirmanesh

    Progress reports of Neu01 (Oda) & Sig06 (Bahareh)

    Chair: Georg

  • March 27 - Guest talk: Alina Sigaeva (KTH Stockholm)

    SciLifeLab, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

    Mapping cellular redox metabolism with quantum-based sensing and spatial proteomics

    Chemical reactions that involve reduction and oxidation of biological molecules lie at the heart of cell metabolism. Redox reactions are often associated with generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals, which can both participate in cellular signaling and cause oxidative damage to biomolecules. To better understand these effects, we need to know exactly when, where and in what quantities ROS and radicals are produced in the cell, as well as prerequisites, consequences and control mechanisms for their generation. During my PhD at University Medical Center Groningen, I have been developing a new all-optical quantum-based sensing system for the detection of free radicals, using diamond nanoparticles. With this new technology, we could record the changes in free radical load on the micrometer scale in a wide range of samples, from yeast to tissue slices. Surprisingly, we observed large variations in seemingly identical cells kept under the same experimental conditions. Similar heterogeneity can also be seen in the levels and spatial patterns of expression of metabolic proteins. Our hypothesis is that cells, both in culture and in tissues, can exist in distinct metabolic states. These metabolic states, similarly to the cell cycle, are maintained by intrinsic mechanisms. As part of my current research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, I use imaging-based spatial proteomics to understand how metabolic states are established, maintained, and connected to the cell’s redox status. The goal of my research is to pinpoint the metabolic requirements for and the consequences of the controlled production of ROS and radicals by cells.

    Host: Karin Dedek

  • March 31 to April 2, 2025 - Spring meeting in Bochum


  • April 3 - cancelled (SFB meeting)

    Cancelled due to SFB meeting the same week

  • April 10 - Guest talk: Sercan Sayin

    The Rules of Collective Locust Marching

    A voracious appetite combined with a high reproductive rate creates a recipe for explosive growth, destined to result in eventual population collapse once local resources are depleted. Desert locusts escape this Malthusian trap through infamous plagues—a migratory behavior characterized by juvenile marching and adult flying swarms. Until now, "self-propelled particle" models from theoretical physics have been used to explain locust collective behavior, and these models have been crucial in validating our understanding of the phenomenon. However, through a combination of field experiments in East Africa, the use of panoramic VR to explore focal locust behavior within virtual swarms, and large-scale behavioral experiments that simultaneously recorded 2,000 locusts in the laboratory, my recent postdoctoral work has rewritten the interaction rules underlying locust migrations. Locusts do not rely on widefield motion cues or reflexively follow the average local velocity vector, as described in classical models. Instead, locust behavior can be explained by a minimal cognitive framework that employs ring-attractor dynamics to achieve consensus among the representations of neighboring individuals to dictate motion. These findings challenge long-held beliefs about how order can emerge from disorder in animal collectives and serve as a keystone for future molecular and physiological studies of locust migrations under repeatable and tightly controlled conditions.

    Host: Basil el Jundi

  • April 17 - Easter break

    Cancelled due to Easter break

  • April 24 - Max Manackin & Laura Ziegenbalg

    Progress reports of Neu02 (Max) & Sig02 (Laura)

    Chair: Jeremy

  • May 1 - Public holiday

    Cancelled due to public holiday

  • May 8 - Georg Langebrake & Srdan Vujinovic

    Progress reports of Nav05 (Georg) & Sig04 (Srdan)

    Chair: Oda

  • May 15 - online: María Jesús García Bianco & Marie Ziegler

    Progress reports of Nav07 (María Jesús) & Neu04 (Marie)

    Chair: Sonam

  • May 22 - cancelled (announcement CoE)

    Cancelled due to the announcement regarding the outcome of the Cluster of Excellence "Navisense" application

  • May 29 - Public holiday

    Cancelled due to public holiday

  • June 5 - TBD


  • June 12 - Alisha Ameerjan & TBD

    Progress report by Sig06 (Alisha)

  • June 19 - Ümmügülsüm Güzelsoy & TBD

    Progress report by Sig04 (Gül)

    Chair: TBD

  • June 26 - TBD


  • July 3 - Maryam Khazani & TBD

    Progress report from Sig06 (Maryam)

  • July 10 - Guest talk: Humberto Fernandez

    Guest talk from Humberto Fernandez from the International centre for translational eye research (

    Host: Karl Koch

  • July 17 - Excursion to WHV+Picnic

    Excursion to Wilhelmshaven + Picnic

    Host: Nathalie

  • July 18 - start summer break

    Excursion to Wilhelmshaven

    Host: Nathalie

Past guest talks & lecture series

  • Guest talks

    • Reinhard Klenke (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg, DE) "Spatial distribution of roosts of the greater mouse-eared bat and temporal trends in the movement of individuals between roosts"
    • Sissel Sjöberg (Lund University) "Extreme diel flight altitude changes in migratory birds"
    • Richard Holland (Prifysgol Bangor University, UK) "A (different) trivial question with a non trivial answer: do pigeons integrate familiar visual landmarks in to their navigational map?"
    • Lukas Anneser (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, CH) "Molecular, functional, and behavioral analysis of neuromodulatory networks in zebrafish telencephalon"
    • Christian Damsgaard (Aarhus Universiteit, DK) "Neural anoxia tolerance supported the evolution of sharp vision in birds"
    • Anna Stöckl (University of Konstanz, DE) "Dynamic processing in insect vision: from single photons to flight control"
    • Barbara Helm (Swiss Ornithological Institute, CH) "Bird migration: ancient timers meet environmental change"
    • Kristen Ruegg (Colorado State University, USA) "The Bird Genoscape Project: Harnessing the Power of Genomics to Advance Migratory Bird Conservation"
    • Basil el Jundi (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO) "The neurobiology of the monarch butterfly compass"
    • Shaked Ron (Israel Institute of Technology, IL) "Neural respresentation of Head-direction across brain areas in quails"
    • Thomas Euler (University of Tübingen, DE) "Discovering novel feature-selective retinal circuits through model-guided search of natural stimulus space"
  • Lecture series

    1. Introduction to magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates (Henrik Mouritsen)
    2. Spectroscopy methods to measure magnetic field effects in proteins (Christiane Timmel/Stuart Mackenzie)
    3. Spin dynamics of cryptochrome proteins (Peter Hore)
    4. Optical microscopy techniques in biophysics (Christoph Lienau)
    5. Magnetic-particle-based magnetoreception (Michael Winklhofer)
    6. Purifying cryptochrome proteins (Rabea Bartölke)
    7. Ultrafast optical spectroscopy in biology and chemistry (Antonietta de Sio)
    8. Modelling cryptochrome proteins (Ilia Solov'yov)
    9. The genetics of bird migration (Miriam Liedvogel)
    10. Using virus techniques to study bird behaviour (Constance Scharff/Ezequiel Mendoza)
    11. Cryptochrome molecules and their interaction partners (Karl Koch)
    12. Processing of light and magnetic stimuli in the retina (Karin Dedek)
    13. Electrophysiological methods and magnetic stimulation (Martin Greschner)
    14. Brain pathways for magnetoreception (Dominik Heyers/Onur Güntürkün)
    15. Orientation in fish (Gabriele Gerlach)
    16. Navigation in bats (Nachum Ulanovsky)
    17. Magnetoreception in bats (Oliver Lindecke)
    18. Designing behavioural experiments to study magnetoreception (Henrik Mouritsen)
    19. Studying migration and navigation in free-flying birds (Heiko Schmaljohann)
    20. Unraveling the navigational phenotype - a variance partitioning approach (Sandra Bouwhuis)
    21. Models of animal movement, collective motion and swarming (Bernd Blasius)
    22. Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Stefan Harfst)
    23. The geomagnetic field as a cue for spatial orientation in insects (Pauline Fleischmann)
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