• Preprints and accepted publications

    Bartoelke R, Niessner C, Reinhard K, Wolfrum U, Meimann S, Bolte P, Feederle R, Mouritsen H, Dedek K, Peichl L, Winklhofer M. 2024. Full-length Cryptochrome 1 in the outer segments of the retinal blue cone photoreceptors in humans and great apes suggests a role beyond transcriptional repression, bioRxiv: 2024.10.10.617617. accepted: The FASEB Journal.

    Block CT, Ahlers MT, Puller C, Manackin M, Pradhan DR, Greschner M. Saltatory axonal conduction in the avian retina. bioRxiv 2022.07.04.498722;

    Duda S, Block CT, Pradhan DR, Arzhangnia Y, Greschner M, Puller C. Spatial distribution and functional integration of displaced ipRGCs. bioRxiv 2023.09.05.556383;

    Günther A, Balaji V, Leberecht B, Forst JJ, Rotov AY, Woldt T, Abdulazhanova D, Mouritsen H, Dedek K (2025) Morphology and connectivity of retinal horizontal cells in two avian species. bioRxiv.

    Majewska M, Hanić M, Bartölke R, Schmidt J, Mouritsen H, Koch KW, Solov’yov IA, Brand I. European robin cryptochrome-4a associates with lipid bilayers in an ordered manner, fulfilling a molecular-level condition for magnetoreception. bioRxiv 2024.07.20.604329; accepted: ACS Chemical Biology. 

    Manthey G, Liedvogel M, Haest B, Manthey M, Wynn J. The unexpected consequences of predictor error in ecological model selection. bioRxiv 2023.

    Mitchell L, Brust V, Karwinkel T, Åkesson S, Kishkinev D, Norevik G, Szep T, Hedenström A, Lagerveld S, Helm B, Schmaljohann H. Scanning the skies for migrants: Conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network. 2024. EcoEvoRxiv

    Pakhomov A, Jansons R, Shapoval N, Cellarius F, Shapoval A, Lindecke O (2023) Orientation tests and long-term movement phenology establish the red admiral Vanessa atalanta as an applicable model for navigation research in migratory butterflies. bioRxiv 2023.09.09.554419.

    Timmer D, Lünemann DC, Gittingera M, de Sio A, Manzoni C, Cerullo G, Lienau C. Phase-cycling and double-quantum two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy using a common-path birefringent interferometer. arXiv preprint 2024-9-17 arXiv:2409.11959

    Walsh C, Hüppop O, Karwinkel T, Liedvogel M, Lindecke O, McLaren JD, Schmaljohann H, Siebenhüner B. Light pollution at sea: Implications and potential hazards of human activity for offshore bird and bat movements in the greater North Sea. 2024. EcoEvoRxiv

  • 2025

    Finke F, Hungerland J, Solov'yov IA, Schuhmann F. Different receptor models show differences in ligand binding strength and location: a computational drug screening for the tick-borne encephalitis virus. Mol Divers. 2025 Feb;29(1):281-292. Epub 2024 May 13.

    Ishigohoka J, Liedvogel M. High-recombining genomic regions affect demography inference based on ancestral recombination graphs. Genetics. 2025 Jan 10:iyaf004. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39790013. 

    Weissensteiner MH, Delmore K, Peona V, Lugo Ramos JS, Arnaud G, Blas J, Faivre B, Pokrovsky I, Wikelski M, Partecke J, Liedvogel M. Combining Individual-Based Radio-Tracking With Whole-Genome Sequencing Data Reveals Candidate for Genetic Basis of Partial Migration in a Songbird. Ecol Evol. 2025 Jan 9;15(1):e70800.

    Wynn J, Kürten N, Moiron M, Bouwhuis S. Selective disappearance based on navigational efficiency in a long-lived seabird. J Anim Ecol. 2025 Jan 27.

  • 2024

    Alvarez PH, Gerhards L, Solov’yov IA, de Oliveira MC (2024) Quantum phenomena in biological systems. Front. Quantum Sci. Technol. 3:1466906.

    Bascón-Cardozo K, Bours A, Manthey G, Pruisscher P, Durieux G, Dutheil J, Odenthal-Hesse L, Liedvogel M. Fine-scale map reveals highly variable recombination rates associated with genomic features in the European blackcap. Genome Biol Evol. 2024;16(1):evad233.

    Bassetto M, Reichl T, Kobylkov D, Kattnig DR, Winklhofer M, Hore PJ, Mouritsen H. Bassetto et al. reply. Nature. 2024;629(8010):E6-E7.

    Burnus L, Wynn J, Liedvogel M, Rollins R. Beware of hitchhiking ticks? Clarifying the variable roles of bird species in tick movement along migratory routes. Journal of Avian Biology, 2024: e03275.

    Grob R, Wegmann JW, Rössler W, Fleischmann PN. Cataglyphis ants have a polarity-sensitive magnetic compass. Curr Biol. 2024 Dec 4:S0960-9822(24)01519-7. Epub ahead of print. 

    Frederiksen A, Aldag M, Solov'yov IA, Gerhards L. Activation of cryptochrome 4 from atlantic herring. Biology (Basel). 2024;13(4):262.

    Frederiksen A, Gerhards L, Reinholdt P, Kongsted J, Solov'yov IA. Importance of Polarizable Embedding for Absorption Spectrum Calculations of Arabidopsis thaliana Cryptochrome 1. J Phys Chem B. 2024;128(26):6283-6290.

    Gerhards L, Werr M, Hübner O, Solov'yov IA, Himmel HJ. Peculiar Differences between Two Copper Complexes Containing Similar Redox-Active Ligands: Density Functional and Multiconfigurational Calculations. Inorg Chem. 2024, 63(2):961-975.

    Günther A, Haverkamp S, Irsen S, Watkins PV, Dedek K, Mouritsen H, Briggman KL. Species–specific circuitry of double cone photoreceptors in two avian retinas. Commun Biol. 2024 Aug 14;7(1):992.

    Helm B, Liedvogel M. Avian migration clocks in a changing world. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 2024;210(4)

    Hore PJ. Spin chemistry in living systems. National Science Review. 2024, nwae126.

    Hore PJ. Proteins as nanomagnets and magnetoreceptors. Zool Res. 2024;45:831f.

    Ishigohoka J, Bascón-Cardozo K, Bours A, Fuß J, Rhie A, Mountcastle J, Haase B, Chow W, Collins J, Howe K, Uliano-Silva M, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED, Pérez-Tris J, Illera JC, Liedvogel M. Distinct patterns of genetic variation at low-recombining genomic regions represent haplotype structure. Evolution. 2024 Aug 29:qpae117. doi: 10.1093/evolut/qpae117. Epub ahead of print. 

    Karwinkel T, Winklhofer M, Allenstein D, Brust V, Christoph P, Holland RA, Hüppop O, Steen J, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H. A refined magnetic pulse treatment method for magnetic navigation experiments with adequate sham control: a case study on free-flying songbirds. J R Soc Interface. 2024, 21(214):20230745.

    Karwinkel, T., Peter, A., Holland, R. A., Thorup, K., Bairlein, F., & Schmaljohann, H. (2024). A conceptual framework on the role of magnetic cues in songbird migration ecology. Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 99(4), 1576–1593.

    Kretschmer K, Frederiksen A, Reinholdt P, Kongsted J, Solov'yov IA. Understanding the Red Shift in the Absorption Spectrum of the FAD Cofactor in ClCry4 Protein. J Phys Chem B. 2024;128(22):5320-5326.

    Krumland J, Guerrini M, de Sio A, Lienau C, Cocci C. Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy from first principles.

    Appl. Phys. Rev. 11, 011305 (2024).

    Langebrake C, Manthey G, Frederiksen A, Lugo Ramos JS, Dutheil JY, Chetverikova R, Solov'yov IA, Mouritsen H, Liedvogel M. Adaptive evolution and loss of a putative magnetoreceptor in passerines. Proc Biol Sci. 2024;291(2016):20232308.

    Laurien M, Mende L, Luhrmann L, Frederiksen A, Aldag M, Spiecker L, Clemmesen C, Solov'yov IA, Gerlach G. Magnetic orientation in juvenile Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) could involve cryptochrome 4 as a potential magnetoreceptor. J R Soc Interface. 2024;21(215):20240035.

    Laurien M, Spiecker L, Luhrmann L, Mende L, Dammann W, Clemmesen C, Gerlach G. Time-compensated sun compass in juvenile sprat (Sprattus sprattus) reveals the onset of migratory readiness. J Exp Biol. 2024;227(5):jeb246188.

    Zhan J, Jehle T, Stephan S, Tiguntseva E, Nochowitz SS, Groß P, Duan J, Makarov S, Lienau C. Interferometric Near-field Fano Spectroscopy of Single Halide Perovskite Nanoparticles. Nano Lett. 2024 Dec 11;24(49):15738-15744.

    Luo J, Benjamin P, Gerhards L, Hogben HJ, Hore PJ. Orientation of birds in radiofrequency fields in the absence of the Earth's magnetic field: a possible test for the radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception. J R Soc Interface. 2024;21(217):20240133.

    Packmor F, Kishkinev D, Zechmeister T, Mouritsen H, Holland RA. Migratory birds can extract positional information from magnetic inclination and magnetic declination alone. Proc Biol Sci. 2024 Nov;291(2034):rspb20241363.

    Pažėra GJ, Fay TP, Solov'yov IA, Hore PJ, Gerhards L. Spin Dynamics of Radical Pairs Using the Stochastic Schrödinger Equation in MolSpin. J Chem Theory Comput. 2024 Oct 8;20(19):8412-8421. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00361

    Ramsay L, Schuhmann F, Solov'yov IA, Kattnig DR. Cryptochrome magnetoreception: time course of photoactivation from non-equilibrium coarse-grained molecular dynamics. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 26: 58-69.

    Schneider WT, Wynn J, Packmor F, Lindecke O, Holland RA (2024) Reply to "Animal magnetic sensitivity and magnetic displacement experiments". Communications Biology 7: 651.

    Schuhmann F, Ramsay JL, Kattnig DR, Solov'yov IA. Structural Rearrangements of Pigeon Cryptochrome 4 Undergoing a Complete Redox Cycle. J Phys Chem B. 2024;128(16):3844-3855.

    Shahu MK, Schuhmann F, Wong SY, Solov'yov IA, Koch KW. Allosteric Communication of the Dimerization and the Catalytic Domain in Photoreceptor Guanylate Cyclase. Biochemistry. 2024 Sep 3;63(17):2131-2140.

    Solov'yov AV, Verkhovtsev AV, Mason NJ, Amos RA, Bald I, Baldacchino G, Dromey B, Falk M, Fedor J, Gerhards L, Hausmann M, Hildenbrand G, Hrabovský M, Kadlec S, Kočišek J, Lépine F, Ming S, Nisbet A, Ricketts K, Sala L, Schlathölter T, Wheatley AEH, Solov'yov IA. Condensed Matter Systems Exposed to Radiation: Multiscale Theory, Simulations, and Experiment. Chem Rev. 2024;124(13):8014-8129.

    Souri S, Timmer D, Lünemann DC, Hadilou N, Winte K, De Sio A, Esmann M, Curdt F, Winklhofer M, Anhäuser S, Guerrini M, Valencia AM, Cocchi C, Witte G, Lienau C. Ultrafast Time-Domain Spectroscopy Reveals Coherent Vibronic Couplings upon Electronic Excitation in Crystalline Organic Thin Films. J Phys Chem Lett. 2024 Nov 7;15(44):11170-11181. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02711

    Spinelli M, Acevedo Harnecker A, Block CT, Lindenthal L, Schuhmann F, Greschner M, Janssen-Bienhold U, Dedek K, Puller C. The first interneuron of the mouse visual system is tailored to the natural environment through morphology and electrical coupling. iScience, 27(12) 111276.

    Stephani JC, Gerhards L, Khairalla B, Solov'yov IA, Brand I. How do Antimicrobial Peptides Interact with the Outer Membrane of Gram-Negative Bacteria? Role of Lipopolysaccharides in Peptide Binding, Anchoring, and Penetration. ACS Infect Dis. 2024,10(2):763-778.

    Timmer D, Gittinger M, Quenzel T, Cadore AR, Rosa BLT, Li W, Soavi G, Lünemann DC, Stephan S, Silies M, Schulz T, Steinhoff A, Jahnke F, Cerullo G, Ferrari AC, De Sio A, Lienau C. Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Couplings and Many-Body Interactions in Monolayer WS2. Nano Lett. 2024;24(26):8117-8125.

    Timmer D, Hergert G, Gerhards L, Lünemann DC, Schröder N, Greven T, Ivar van der Vlugt J, De Sio A, Solov’yov IA, Christoffers J, Lienau C. Structural Flexibility Slows down Charge Transfers in Diaminoterephthalate-C60 Dyads, J Phys Chem C 2024; 128(6):2380-2391.

    Timmer D, Lünemann DC, Riese S, Sio A, Lienau C. Full visible range two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with high time resolution. Opt Express. 2024;32(1):835-847.

    Wynn J, Fandos G, Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Fransson T, Liedvogel M (2024) Could bi-axial orientation explain range expansion in a migratory songbird? Journal of Avian Biology, e03196.

    Yee C, Bartölke R, Görtemaker K, Schmidt J, Leberecht B, Mouritsen H, Koch KW. Comparison of retinol binding protein 1 with cone specific G-protein as putative effector molecules in cryptochrome signalling. Sci Rep. 2024 Nov 16;14(1):28326.

    Yuan C, Gerhards L, Solov’yov IA, Dedek K (2024) Biotin-cGMP and -cAMP are able to permeate through the gap junctions of some amacrine cells in the mouse retina despite their large size. Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne). 2024;3:1334602.

  • 2023

    Bassetto, M., Reichl, T., Kobylkov, D., Kattnig, D.R., Winklhofer, M., Hore, P.J., Mouritsen, H. No evidence for magnetic field effects on the behaviour of Drosophila. Nature 620, 595–599 (2023).

    Balaji V, Haverkamp S, Seth PK, Günther A, Mendoza E, Schmidt J, Herrmann M, Pfeiffer LL, Němec P, Scharff C, Mouritsen H, Dedek K (2023) Immunohistochemical characterization of bipolar cells in four distantly related avian species. J Comp Neurol 531:561–581.

    Bours A, Pruisscher P, Bascón-Cardozo K, Odenthal-Hesse L, Liedvogel M. The blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) genome reveals a recent accumulation of LTR retrotransposons. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):16471.

    Code C, Qiu D, Solov'yov IA, Lee JG, Shin HC, Roland C, Sagui C, Houde D, Rand KD, Jørgensen TJD. Conformationally Restricted Glycopeptide Backbone Inhibits Gas-Phase H/D Scrambling between Glycan and Peptide Moieties. J Am Chem Soc. 2023;145(44):23925-23938. 

    Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Ullrich K, Curk T, van der Jeugd HP, Liedvogel M. Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in wild songbirds. Evol Lett. 2023;7(6):401-412.

    Eikenaar C, Ostolani A, Brust V, Karwinkel T, Schmaljohann H, Isaksson C. The oxidative balance and stopover departure decisions in a medium- and a long-distance migrant. Mov Ecol. 2023;11(1):7.

    Frederiksen A, Langebrake C, Hanić M, Manthey G, Mouritsen H, Liedvogel M, Solov'yov IA. Mutational Study of the Tryptophan Tetrad Important for Electron Transfer in European Robin Cryptochrome 4a. ACS Omega. 2023;8(29):26425-26436.

    Gerhards L, Nielsen C, Kattnig DR, Hore PJ, Solov'yov IA. Modeling spin relaxation in complex radical systems using MolSpin. J Comput Chem. 2023;44(19):1704-1714.

    Golesworthy MJ, Zollitsch T, Luo J, Selby D, Jarocha LE, Henbest KB, Paré-Labrosse O, Bartölke R, Schmidt J, Xu J, Mouritsen H, Hore PJ, Timmel CR, Mackenzie SR. Singlet-triplet dephasing in radical pairs in avian cryptochromes leads to time-dependent magnetic field effects. J Chem Phys. 2023 Sep 14;159(10):105102. doi: 10.1063/5.0166675

    Hanić M, Antill LM, Gehrckens AS, Schmidt J, Görtemaker K, Bartölke R, El-Baba TJ, Xu J, Koch KW, Mouritsen H, Benesch JLP, Hore PJ, Solov'yov IA. Dimerization of European Robin Cryptochrome 4a. J Phys Chem B. 2023;127(28):6251-6264.

    Jacobsen L, Hungerland J, Bačić V, Gerhards L, Schuhmann F, Solov'yov IA. Introducing the Automated Ligand Searcher. J Chem Inf Model. 2023;63(23):7518-7528. 

    Koch KW. (2023) Molecular tuning of calcium dependent processes by neuronal calcium sensor proteins in the retina. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell. Res. 1870(6):119491.

    Leberecht B, Wong SY, Satish B, Döge S, Hindman J, Venkatraman L, Apte S, Haase K, Musielak I, Dautaj G, Solov'yov IA, Winklhofer M, Mouritsen H, Hore PJ. Upper bound for broadband radiofrequency field disruption of magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120(28):e2301153120.

    Marggraf LC, Lindecke O, Voigt CC, Pētersons G and Voigt-Heucke SL (2023) Nathusius’ bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flights. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:908560.

    Matysik, J., Gerhards, L., Theiss, T., Timmermann, L., Kurle-Tucholski, P., Musabirova, G., Qin, R., Ortmann, F., Solov'yov, I. A., & Gulder, T. (2023). Spin Dynamics of Flavoproteins. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(9), 8218.

    McLaren, J.D., Schmaljohann, H. & Blasius, B. Gauge-and-compass migration: inherited magnetic headings and signposts can adapt to changing geomagnetic landscapes. Mov Ecol11, 37 (2023).

    Nguyen XT, Winte K, Timmer D, Rakita Y, Ceratti DR, Aharon S, Ramzan MS, Cocchi C, Lorke M, Jahnke F, Cahen D, Lienau C, De Sio A. Phonon-driven intra-exciton Rabi oscillations in CsPbBr3 halide perovskites. Nat Commun. 2023 Feb 24;14(1):1047.

    Pažėra GJ, Benjamin P, Mouritsen H, Hore PJ. Isotope Substitution Effects on the Magnetic Compass Properties of Cryptochrome-Based Radical Pairs: A Computational Study. J Phys Chem B. 2023, 127(4):838-845.

    Rüppel, G., Hüppop, O., Lagerveld, S., Schmaljohann, H., & Brust, V. (2023). Departure, routing and landing decisions of long-distance migratory songbirds in relation to weather. Royal Society open science, 10(2), 221420.

    Rüppel, G., Hüppop, O., Schmaljohann, H., & Brust, V. (2023). The urge to breed early: Similar responses to environmental conditions in short- and long-distance migrants during spring migration. Ecology and evolution, 13(7), e10223.

    Salerno KM, Domenico J, Le NQ, Balakrishnan K, McQuillen RJ, Stiles CD, Solov'yov IA, Martino CF. Long-Time Oxygen and Superoxide Localization in Arabidopsis thaliana Cryptochrome. J Chem Inf Model. 2023, 63(21):6756-6767.

    Schneider WT, Packmor F, Lindecke O, Holland RA. Sense of doubt: inaccurate and alternate locations of virtual magnetic displacements may give a distorted view of animal magnetoreception ability. Commun Biol. 2023 Feb 20;6(1):187. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04530-w. PMID: 36808184; PMCID: PMC9941108.

    Schneider WT, Holland RA, Keišs O, Lindecke O. Migratory bats are sensitive to magnetic inclination changes during the compass calibration period. Biol. Lett. 19 (2023): 20230181.

    Schneider WT, Holland RA, Lindecke O (2023) Over 50 years of behavioural evidence on the magnetic sense in animals - What has been learnt and how? The European Physical Journal Special Topics 232: 269-278.

    Schuhmann, F., Ryvkin, L., McLaren, J. D., Gerhards, L., & Solov'yov, I. A. (2023). Across atoms to crossing continents: Application of similarity measures to biological location data. PloS one, 18(5), e0284736.

    Spiecker L, Curdt F, Bally A, Janzen N, Kraemer P, Leberecht B, Kingsford MJ, Mouritsen H, Winklhofer M, Gerlach G. Coral reef fish larvae show no evidence for map-based navigation after physical displacement. iScience. 2023 May 25;26(6):106950.

    Timmer, D., Frederiksen, A., Lünemann, D. C., Thomas, A. R., Xu, J., Bartölke, R., Schmidt, J., Kubař, T., De Sio, A., Solov'yov, I. A., Mouritsen, H., & Lienau, C. (2023). Tracking the Electron Transfer Cascade in European Robin Cryptochrome 4 Mutants. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(21), 11566–11578.

    Timmer D, Gittinger M, Quenzel T, Stephan S, Zhang Y, Schumacher MF, Lützen A, Silies M, Tretiak S, Zhong JH, De Sio A, Lienau C. Plasmon mediated coherent population oscillations in molecular aggregates. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):8035. 

    Voigt CC, Kionka J, Koblitz JC, Stilz PC, Pētersons G, Lindecke O (2023) Bidirectional movements of Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) during autumn at a major migration corridor. Global Ecology and Conservation 48: e02695.

    Vu HH, Behrmann H, Hanić M, Jeyasankar G, Krishnan S, Dannecker D, Hammer C, Gunkel M, Solov'yov IA, Wolf E, Behrmann E. A marine cryptochrome with an inverse photo-oligomerization mechanism. Nat Commun. 2023(1):6918. 

    Wong SY, Benjamin P, Hore PJ (2023) Magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions: estimation of B1/2 for flavin-tryptophan radical pairs in cryptochromes. Phys Chem Chem Phys 25,2:975-982.

    Wynn J, Liedvogel M. Lost: on what level should we aim to understand animal navigation? J Exp Biol. 2023;226(10):jeb245441. 

    Wynn J, Leberecht B, Liedvogel M, Burnus L, Chetverikova R, Döge S, Karwinkel T, Kobylkov D, Xu J, Mouritsen H (2023) Naive songbirds show seasonally appropriate spring orientation in the laboratory despite having never completed first migration. Biology Letters 19, 20220478.

    Yee C, Görtemaker K, Wellpott R, Koch KW (2023) Kinetics of cone specific G-protein signaling in avian photoreceptor cells. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 16:1107025.

  • 2022

    Ahlers MT, Block CT, Winklhofer M, Greschner M (2022) Integration and evaluation of magnetic stimulation in physiology setups. PLoS One 17:e0271765.

    Anselme P, Wittek N, Oeksuez F, Güntürkün O (2022) Overmatching under food uncertainty in foraging pigeons. Behav Processes 201:104728.

    Bach P, Voigt CC, Göttsche M, Bach L ,Brust V, Hill R, Hüppop O, Lagerveld S, Schmaljohann H , Seebens-Hoyer A (2022) Offshore ans coastline migration of radio-tagged Nathusius` pipistrelles. Conserv sci pract,

    Bellinger MR, Wei J, Hartmann U, Cadiou H, Winklhofer M, Banks MA (2022) Conservation of magnetite biomineralization genes in all domains of life and implications for magnetic sensing. PNAS, 119:e2108655119.

    Brust V. Eikenaar C, Packmor F, Schmaljohann H , Huppop O, Czirják G (2022) Do departure and flight route decisions correlate with immune parameters in migratory songbirds? Funct Ecol 36:12, 3007-302.

    Chetverikova R, Dautaj G, Schwigon L, Dedek K, Mouritsen H (2022) Double cones in the avian retina form an oriented mosaic which might facilitate magnetoreception and/or polarized light sensing. J R Soc Interface 19:20210877.

    Curdt F, Haase K , Ziegenbalg L, Greb H, Heyers D , Winklhofer M (2022) Prussian blue technique is prone to yield false negative results in magnetoreception research. Sci Rep 12:8803.

    Dufour P, Åkesson S, Hellström M, Hewson C, Lagerveld S, Mitchell L, Chernetsov S, Schmaljohann H , Crochet PA (2022) The Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus) as a model to understand vagrancy and its potential for the evolution of new migration routes. Mov Ecol 10:59 3117

    Einwich A, Seth PK, Bartölke R, Bolte P, Feederle R, Dedek K, Mouritsen H (2022) Localisation of cryptochrome 2 in the avian retina. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 208:69–81.

    Elend L, Jacobsen L, Cofala T, Prellberg J, Teusch T, Kramer O, Solov’yov IA (2022) Design of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors Using Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Dynamic Simulations. Molecules  27:2043.

    Frederiksen A , Teusch T, Solov’yov IA (2022) Quantum Effects in Biological Systems in: Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale, Springer 201–248. 

    Görtemaker K, Yee C, Bartölke R, Behrmann H, Voß JO, Schmidt J, Xu J, Solovyeva V, Leberecht B, Behrmann E, Mouritsen H, Koch KW (2022) Direct interaction of avian cryptochrome 4 with a cone specific G- protein. Cells 11:2043.

    Grüning G, Wong SY , Gerhards L, Schuhmann F, Kattnig DR, Hore PJ, Solov’yov IA (2022) Effects of Dynamical Degrees of Freedom on Magnetic Compass Sensitivity: A Comparison of Plant and Avian Cryptochromes. J Am Chem Soc 144: 50.

    Haase K, Musielak I, Warmuth-Moles L, Leberecht B, Zolotareva A, Mouritsen H, Heyers D (2022) In Search for the Avian Trigeminal Magnetic Sensor: Distribution of Peripheral and Central Terminals of Ophthalmic Sensory Neurons in the Night-Migratory Eurasian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla). Front Neuroanat 16:853401.

    Hanić M, Schuhmann F, Frederiksen A, Langebrake C, Manthey G, Liedvogel M, Xu J, Mouritsen H, Solov’yov IA (2022) Computational Reconstruction and Analysis of Structural Models of Avian Cryptochrome 4. J Phys Chem B.

    Hanić M, Frederiksen A, Schuhmann F, Solov'yov IA (2022). On the energetic differences of avian cryptochromes 4 from selected species. Europ Phys J D 76,198.

    Heyers D, Musielak I, Haase K, Herold C, Bolte P, Güntürkün O, Mouritsen H (2022) Morphology, biochemistry and connectivity of Cluster N and the hippocampal formation in a migratory bird. Brain Struct Funct 227:2731–2749.

    Hungerland J, Frederiksen A, Gerhards L, Bordallo HN, Solov'yov IA (2022) Studying folding ↔ unfolding dynamics of solvated alanine polypeptides using molecular dynamics. Eur Phys J D 76:154, 1-13. 

    Justen H, Hasselmann T, Illera JC, Delmore KE, Serrano D, Flinks H, Senzaki M, Kawamura K, Helm B, Liedvogel M (2022) Population-specific association of Clock gene polymorphism with annual cycle timing in stonechats. Sci Rep 12:7947.

    Karwinkel T, Winklhofer M, Janner LE, Brust V, Hüppop O, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H (2022) A magnetic pulse does not affect free-flight navigation behaviour of a medium-distance songbird migrant in spring. J Exp Biol 225:jeb244473.

    Karwinkel T, Winklhofer M, Christoph P, Allenstein D, Hüppop O, Brust V, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H (2022) No apparent effect of a magnetic pulse on free-flight behaviour in northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) at a stopover site. J R Soc Interface 19:20210805.

    Kobylkov D, Musielak I, Haase K, Rook N, von Eugen K, Dedek K, Güntürkün O, Mouritsen H, Heyers D (2022) Morphology of the “prefrontal” nidopallium caudolaterale in the long-distance night-migratory Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla). Neurosci Lett 789:136869.

    Leberecht B, Kobylkov D, Karwinkel T , Döge S, Burnus L, Wong SY , Apte S, Haase K, Musielak I , Chetverikova R, Dautaj G, Bassetto M, Winklhofer M, Hore PJ, Mouritsen H (2022) Broadband 75-85 MHz radiofrequency fields disrupt magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds consistent with a flavin-based radical pair magnetoreceptor. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 208:97–106.

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    Wittek N, Wittek K, Keibel C, Güntürkün O (2022) Supervised machine learning aided behavior classification in pigeons. Behav Res Methods

    Wynn J, Padget O, Mouritsen H, Morford J, Jaggers P, Guilford T. Magnetic stop signs signal a European songbird's arrival at the breeding site after migration. Science. 2022;375(6579):446-449.

  • 2021

    Bartölke R, Behrmann H, Görtemaker K, Yee C, Xu J, Behrmann E, Koch K  (2021) The secrets of cryptochromes: photoreceptors, clock proteins, and magnetic sensors. Neuroforum 27:151-157.

    Barragan AM, Soudackov AV, Luthey-Schulten Z, Hammes-Schiffer S, Schulten K, Solov’yov IA (2021) Theoretical Description of the Primary Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reaction in the Cytochrome bc1 Complex. J Am Chem Soc 143:715–723.

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    Bolte P*, Einwich A*, Seth PK , Chetverikova R, Heyers, D, Wojahn I, Janssen-Bienhold U, Feederle R, Hore PJ, Dedek K, Mouritsen H (2021)  Cryptochrome 1a localisation in light- and dark-adapted retinae of several migratory and non-migratory bird species: no signs of light-dependent activation. Ethol Ecol Evol 33:248-272.

    De Sio A , Sommer E, Nguyen XT, Groß L, Popović D, Nebgen BT, Fernandez-Alberti S, Pittalis S, Rozzi CA, Molinari E, Mena-Osteritz E, Bäuerle P, Frauenheim T, Tretiak S, Lienau C (2021) Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates. Nat Nanotechnol 16:63–68.

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    Günther A, Dedek K, Haverkamp S, Irsen S, Briggman KL, Mouritsen H (2021) Double Cones and the Diverse Connectivity of Photoreceptors and Bipolar Cells in an Avian Retina. J Neurosci 41:5015–5028.

    Güntürkün O , von Eugen K, Packheiser J, Pusch R (2021) Avian pallial circuits and cognition: A comparison to mammals. Curr Opin Neurobiol 71:29–36.

    Haase K , Musielak I,   Heyers D (2021)  The neuronal correlates of the avian magnetic senses. Neuroforum 27:167-174.  

    Haverkamp S, Albert L, Balaji V , Němec P, Dedek K (2021) Expression of cell markers and transcription factors in the avian retina compared with that in the marmoset retina. J Comp Neurol 529:3171–3193.

    Husen P, Solov’yov IA (2021) Modeling the Energy Landscape of Side Reactions in the Cytochrome bc1 Complex. Front Chem 9:643796.

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    Kishkinev D, Packmor F, Zechmeister T, Winkler H-C, Chernetsov N, Mouritsen H , Holland RA (2021) Navigation by extrapolation of geomagnetic cues in a migratory songbird. Curr Biol 31:1563-1569.e4.

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    Rook N, Tuff JM, Packheiser J, Güntürkün O , Beste C (2021) A hierarchical processing unit for multi-component behavior in the avian brain. iScience 24:103195

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    Spiecker L, Leberecht B , Langebrake C , Laurien M, Apte S, Mouritsen H , Gerlach G,   Liedvogel M  (2021) Endless skies and open seas – how birds and fish navigate. Neuroforum 27:127-139.

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  • 2020

    Delmore K, Illera JC, Pérez-Tris J, Segelbacher G, Lugo Ramos JS, Durieux G, Ishigohoka J, Liedvogel M (2020) The evolutionary history and genomics of European blackcap migration. eLife 9.

    de Vera P, Azzolini M, Sushko G, Abril I, Garcia-Molina R, Dapor M, Solov’yov IA, Solov’yov AV (2020) Multiscale simulation of the focused electron beam induced deposition process. Sci Rep 10:20827.

    Einwich A, Dedek K, Seth PK, Laubinger S, Mouritsen H (2020) A novel isoform of cryptochrome 4 (Cry4b) is expressed in the retina of a night-migratory songbird. Sci Rep 10:15794.

    Feng S, ..., Mouritsen H, ..., Liedvogel M et al. (2020) Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 587:252–257.

    Friis I, Verkhovtsev A, Solov’yov IA , Solov’yov AV (2020) Modeling the effect of ion-induced shock waves and DNA breakage with the reactive CHARMM force field. J Comput Chem 41:2429–2439.

    Kobylkov D, Schwarze S, Michalik B, Winklhofer M , Mouritsen H, Heyers D (2020) A newly identified trigeminal brain pathway in a night-migratory bird could be dedicated to transmitting magnetic map information. Proc Biol Sci 287:20192788.

    Rook N, Letzner S, Packheiser J, Güntürkün O, Beste C (2020) Immediate early gene fingerprints of multi-component behaviour. Sci Rep 10:384.

    Stacho M, Herold C, Rook N, Wagner H, Axer M, Amunts K, Güntürkün O (2020) A cortex-like canonical circuit in the avian forebrain. Science 369:eabc5534.

    von Eugen K, Tabrik S, Güntürkün O , Ströckens F (2020) A comparative analysis of the dopaminergic innervation of the executive caudal nidopallium in pigeon, chicken, zebra finch, and carrion crow. J Comp Neurol 528:2929–2955.

    Wu H, Scholten A, Einwich A, Mouritsen H , Koch KW (2020) Protein-protein interaction of the putative magnetoreceptor cryptochrome 4 expressed in the avian retina. Sci Rep 10:7364.

    Wynn J, Padget O, Mouritsen H , Perrins C, Guilford T (2020) Natal imprinting to the Earth’s magnetic field in a pelagic seabird. Curr Biol 30:2869-2873.e2.

  • 2019

    Kobylkov D, Wynn J, Winklhofer M , Chetverikova R, Xu J, Hiscock H, Hore PJ , Mouritsen H (2019) Electromagnetic 0.1-100 kHz noise does not disrupt orientation in a night-migrating songbird implying a spin coherence lifetime of less than 10 µs. J R Soc Interface 16:20190716.

    Player TC, Hore PJ (2019) Viability of superoxide-containing radical pairs as magnetoreceptors. J Chem Phys 151:225101.

    Zoltowski BD, Chelliah Y, Wickramaratne A, Jarocha L, Karki N, Xu W, Mouritsen H, Hore PJ, Hibbs RE, Green CB, Takahashi JS (2019) Chemical and structural analysis of a photoactive vertebrate cryptochrome from pigeon. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116:19449–19457.

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