Upcoming workshops

  • February 26 - Workshop on presentation skills for female scientists

    Venue: Guest house, Campus Wechloy, UOL

    Trainer: Ulrike Völger

    Methodologically, the training consists mainly of practical exercises and personal, individual feedback for all participants, both from the group and from the trainer in a protected, empowering atmosphere. A smaller part of the seminar is dedicated to theoretical background information.

    Participants receive a handout with important exercises and tips.

    The aims of my seminars are

    • Better awareness of one's own voice and articulation.
    • Discovery and development of existing and often underutilised vocal potential.
    • Improvement of body awareness, posture and therefore also your charisma and overall appearance.
    • Greater awareness of one's own facial expressions, gestures and expansion of the personal spectrum.
    • Congruence of professional competence, personality and appearance of the participants in everyday life and in public (authenticity) through greater presence in body and voice.
    • Reflection on gender-specific ‘appearance behaviour’ and how to deal with female behaviour patterns in communication and presentation.

    To achieve these goals, long-term work is of course required in some cases. The seminar is therefore primarily concerned with the individual clarification of the following questions:

    • Does the sound of your voice and the way you articulate yourself correspond to your personality?
    • How can you reduce the discrepancy between how others and self-perception and thus strengthen your ‘self-awareness’?
    • Are you able to make your expertise visible?
    • Do you have an awareness of your body? Does your non-verbal communication match your statements and comments?
    • How do you generate attention and persuasiveness?
    • How can you recognise dormant potential, train it and use it for your presentations? use for your presentations?
  • 2nd Young Researchers Symposium


    19th - 21st November 2025

    The Young Researchers Symposium (YRS) is an international conference for early career researchers (Master's students, PhD students, PostDocs in their first years) in the field of animal navigation and magnetoreception. Its aim is to provide a space to network and discuss these fascinating topics in a welcoming atmosphere.

    More information

Past workshops

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  • Communicating science to the public

    Trainer: Nadine Lux (sciencehoch3)

    Location: Oldenburg

    Date: 6th and 7th November 2024

    The workshop is aimed at scientists who want to communicate their research topics in a structured way, both in written form such as on websites, in social media or in press releases, but also verbally on site or in digital media through moving image formats.

  • Create your network and sell your skills!

    Trainer: Sybil Schädeli

    Location: online

    Date: 20th & 22nd August 2024

    The workshop „Create your network and sell your skills!” includes how to strategically build your personal network and how to self-market (even when you are an introvert!). 

  • How to manage your PhD

    Trainer: Dr. Mariam Fishere

    Location: Spiekeroog

    Date: 24th - 26th April 2024

    The overarching goal of this workshop is to offer doctoral candidates the opportunity to explore their expectations for the coming years, prepare themselves for the process of getting their PhD, and to provide them with practical tools to achieve their goals.

  • Open access & data management - FAIR

    Johannes Vosskuhl

    Location: Uni Oldenburg

    Date: 23rd & 30th January 2024

    The course will deepen your knowledge about research data management, including parts about basic concepts, the RDM landscape at our university, etc. in a workshop character.

    Especially on day two you will learn about data publication, Open Science, data repositories in general and the institutional repository “Dare” by the UOL ( and how we want to integrate it into the RDM-concept of our SFB.

  • Training mental health & resilience

    Trainer: Rick Desaever & Gesa Gerding

    Location: Hof Oberlethe, Wardenburg

    Date: 20th & 21st November 2023

    Studies have shown that doctoral researchers are a group of people who are especially vulnerable to psychological stress. To prepare the doctoral researchers for this difficult phase, in the workshop they will learn techniques and methods to take good care of their mental health, and how to complete their doctorate without major mental difficulties.

  • Good scientific practice

    Trainer: Andrea Kliewer

    Location: online

    Date: 16th & 17th October 2023

    This workshop is essential to understand the basic rules and values of the responsible conduct of research in all its stages. In this workshop, you will explore the differences and grey areas between good scientific practice, questionable research practice and scientific miscunduct. Further, you will learn how to recognize and prevent scientific miscunduct, develop appropriate solutions for difficult situations and receive advice on how to protect your scientific work.

  • From data to poster - a workflow for stunning posters

    Trainer: Philipp Jordan

    Location: Uni Oldenburg

    Date: 19th & 20th September 2023

    This workshop will guide you from your raw data to a finalised poster telling your own story. Starting with the differences between a poster, a talk, and a paper, you will learn how a poster is structured, which stories science can tell (fairy tale, criminal writing, etc.), what the pros and cons of each story type are, which story type matches your data best. And how illustrations, colours, and arrangement help you to communicate your story.

  • Excursion to Helgoland

    Trainer: Annika Peter

    Location: Vogelwarte Helgoland

    Date: 4th August 2023

    Visit of research projects on the island Helgoland to connect to researchers there and learn about their experiments and work

  • Intercultural training

    Trainer: Tina Patel

    Location: Uni Oldenburg

    Date: 6th July 2023

    In this workshop, you will:

    -reflect on your own cultural preferences to be able to classify external perception better and to obtain a change of perspective,

    -acquire confidence in dealing with the relevant cultural differences by interpreting concrete situations and reflecting on one's own alternative courses of action,

    -learn techniques in dealing with potential misunderstandings and conflicts with international people to recognize and defuse in time, and

    -develop a feeling on how to implement these different cultural expectations within cooperations on a daily working basis

  • PhD day in Wilhelmshaven

    Trainer: Tabea Hildebrand

    Location: Wattenmeerzentrum Wilhelmshaven

    Date: 5th July 2023

    Learn about administrative processes and tasks and strengthen your collaborations with your peers. We will further visit the museum to learn about the Waddensea and visit the birds colony at Banter See to see the projects of Nav07

Past events

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    BBQ July 2024

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    BBQ July 2024

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    BBQ July 2024

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    Kale tour February 2024

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