Upcoming: 2nd Young Researchers Symposium on Magnetoreception and Navigation (19-21 Nov 2025)


The Young Researchers Symposium (YRS) is an international conference for early career researchers (master students, PhDs, PostDocs in their first years) in the field of animal navigation and magnetoreception. Its aim is to provide a space to network and discuss these fascinating topics in a welcoming atmosphere.

The conference is organized by other passionate doctoral researchers, who will invite engaging keynote speakers, and plan scientific talks and poster sessions.

While the first YRS was a great success online, we are more than happy to host this meeting in person and welcome you to our cool location to make the connections even stronger. Accommodation costs and conference fees are covered by SFB 1372, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Feel free to distribute our FLYER!

Location & dates

19th - 21st November 2025

in Villa Viva Hamburg, Germany


Schultzweg 4, 20097 Hamburg

Keynote speakers

Dr. Dmitry Kishkinev

Lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Behavioural Neuroscience, Keele University, UK

Dr. Pascal Malkemper

Max Planck Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar, DE

Abstract submission and registration

Abstract submission: 7th April - 30th June 2025

Registration: 1st July - 30th September 2025




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